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General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) – Official Legal Text
General Data Protection Regulation (EU GDPR) – The official PDF of the Regulation (EU) 2016/679, its recitals & key issues as a neatly arranged website.

Withdraw your health records - for NHS staff****

Demand that they remove your health and covid vaccination records as it is now being used to discriminate against you and will compromise your employment.
Get hold of the contact who holds your health information and use this template to remove your health data. Please feel free to modify as needed.

Dear _____,

I would like to withdraw my consent to having my health records, including my covid vaccination status being recorded and kept on your database.

The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR - was first introduced to the UK in May 2018 as EU legislation and on 1st January 2021 became part of UK Law following Brexit.

The Equality Act 2010 ( prevents any company introducing policy which could cause discrimination.
A business whether private or public must abide by GDPR and the Equality Act 2010.

There is no legal or lawful reason to request and/or to record the medical data of an individual (classed as "Special Data" under GDPR) without the existence of a current HCID (high consequence infectious disease).

On 13th March 2020, the World Health Organisation (WHO) lowered the risk status of Sars-CoV2 (covid 19) to its current status, and the UK also downgraded accordingly on 19th March 2020. To be clear, this means there is no current HCID in the UK.

Under GDPR Article 9, companies are unable to use Article 6, 1(c) & (f) unless there is a current HCID within the UK.

Until such time as the existence of a HCID in the UK can be proved and declared, I wish to withdraw all my health records and covid vaccination status as it will be used to discriminate against me and compromise my employment.


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